Air Flown Arrival

Crown Musk Melon
From Shizuoka Prefecture 静冈県産
(最高級 メロン)
Crown Musk Melon
Premium Quality Melon
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~

一种优质的日本甜瓜,以其精致的甜味、顺滑的口感和完美的芳香麝香味而闻名。它多汁的果肉和精致的香气使其成为奢华的象征,常被赠送为高级美食佳肴, 常作为高档餐厅和酒店的豪华水果。

1 茎, 1 果: 这种栽培方法允许每个茎只生长一个瓜,将植物的营养集中在一个完全成熟的果实上。

果皮呈现完美的圆形,淡绿色,上面有细腻的网状图案。果肉呈现出鲜艳、浓郁的绿色,显示出其卓越的甜度和成熟度。带有蜜糖般的甜味和微妙的花香味。经常被描述为具有奢华丝滑的口感,入口即化。 鲜嫩多汁,嫩滑,带有光滑、丝滑的口感。

A Premium Japanese melon known for its exquisite sweetness, smooth texture and perfectly aromatic musky flavour. Its juicy flesh and delicate aroma make it a symbol of luxury, often gifted as a Premium gourmet delicacy or served as a luxury fruit in high-end restaurants and hotels.

1 Stem, 1 Fruit: This cultivation method allows only one melon to grow per stem, focusing the plant's nutrients on a single, perfectly ripened fruit.

Perfectly round with a pale green rind and a fine, netted pattern. The flesh is a vibrant, rich green color, signalizing its superior sweetness and ripeness. Honeyed sweetness with subtle floral notes. It is often described as having a luxurious and velvety texture that melts in your mouth. Juicy and tender with a smooth, velvety texture.

Crown Musk Melon YAMA

Crown Musk Melon YAMA
Crown Musk Melon
Shizuoka Prefecture
YAMA – Luxury Grade
$198.00 ⁄ Piece
Approx 1.7kg+
With Wooden Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Crown Musk Melon YAMA
Crown Musk Melon
Shizuoka Prefecture
YAMA – Luxury Grade
$178.00 ⁄ Piece
Approx 1.5kg+
With Wooden Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Crown Musk Melon SHIRO

Crown Musk Melon Shiro
Crown Musk Melon
Shizuoka Prefecture
Shiro – Premium Grade
$168.00 ⁄ Piece
Approx 1.7kg+
With Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Crown Musk Melon Shiro
Crown Musk Melon
Shizuoka Prefecture
Shiro – Premium Grade
$148.00 ⁄ Piece
Approx 1.5kg+
With Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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From Tokushima Prefecture 德岛県産
巨峰屋本店 ⁄ KYOHO-YA
Special Selected Tomato
珊瑚樹 (農園直送)
Sangojyo (Coral Tree)
Farm Direct
Sugar Level (糖度): 10°~

可以说是山农场的招牌产品“哑球树番茄”诞生于大约20年前。现任会长山博明提议使用“麦芽陶瓷”, 即从啤酒的压榨酒渣中干燥井压缩的碳化麦芽壳,用于水培番茄。 我们通过结合综合环境控制系统等各种想法建立了独特的栽培方法。它是象征Kashiyama Farm的农产品, 它迅速融入IT技术, 根据数据进行科学和逻辑的栽培, 寻找新时代的 农业形态,并将其与下一代连接起来。甘甜爽口、浓郁浓郁的“珊瑚树番茄“受到了全国各地的重视。

"Coral tree tomato', which can be said to be the signature product of Kashiyama Farm, was born about 20 years ago. Hiroaki Kashiyama, the current chairman, proposed to use 'malt ceramics", which is carbonized malt husks that are dried and compressed from the squeezed leen of beer, for hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes. He established his own cultivation method by devising various ideas such as incorporating an Integrated environmental control system. It is an agricultural product that symbolizes Kashiyama Farm, which quickly incorporates IT technology, cultivates it scientifically and logically based on data, seeks out the form of agriculture in a new era, and connects it to the next generation. "Coral tree tomato", which have a refreshing sweetness and deep richness, have received inquiries from all over the country.


在约7,000平方米的巨大 玻璃温室中栽培
屋内的温度、湿度、太阳辐射量、二氧化碳浓度等均由中央控制面板统一管理。喀什山农场的西红柿不仅含糖量高, 而且还使用了专内的净水机, 通过使用高纯度的清水去除不愉快的味道, 并以我们独特的栽培技术添加“鲜味”。具有清爽的甜味, 具有不持久的味道。

Cultivated in a vast glass greenhouse of about 7,000m2
The temperature, humidity, amount of solar radiation, carbon dioxide concentration, etc. in the house are all managed collectively by the central control panel. Kashiyama Farm's tomatoes not only have a high sugar content, but also use a special water purification machine to eliminate unpleasant taste by using high-purity clean water, and add "umami" with our unique cultivation technology. With a refreshing sweetness, it has a non- persistent taste.


果品选择标准高, 口味供应稳定
珊瑚番茄的含糖量在8度以上。糖分是通过充分利用糖分传感器来测量的, 因此没有农产品中常见的“上次很好吃,这次...“这样的事情。标准按含糖量分为三级, 只有符合严格标准的才能以“珊瑚树番茄”品牌发货。

High fruit selection criteria and stable taste supply
The sugar content of coral tomatoes is 8 degrees or more. The sugar content is measured by making full use of the sugar content sensor so that there is no such thing as "it was delicious last time but this time..." which is common in agricultural products. The standards are divided into three according to the sugar content, and only those that meet strict standards can be shipped under the "Coral Tree Tomato" brand.

Sangojyo (Coral Tree)
Tokushima Prefecture
$98.00 ⁄ Box
M Size
Approx 1kg
Sugar Level (糖度): 10°~
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Cotton Berry Strawberry
From Nara Prefecture 奈良県産
コットンベリー いちご
Cotton Berry Strawberry
Top Strawberry
Sugar Level (糖度): 11°~
Cotton Berry Strawberry
Cotton Berry Strawberry

以顶级浆果为荣的“棉花浆果”,奈良县的一大群生产者。 目前正在申请品种注册您可以比其他任何地方更快地尝试。 毫不夸张地说, 它的动人味道甚至超过了红草莓。那种神秘的糖香和清甜的甜味从外表上是无法想象的。

"Cotton berry" which is proud of top berry, a group of great producers in Nara prefecture. Currently applying for variety registration You can try it faster than anywhere else. It is no exaggeration to say that it has a moving taste that surpasses even red strawberries. A mysterious scent like candy scent and a clear sweetness cannot be imagined from his appearance.

Cotton Berry Strawberry
Nara Prefecture
$160.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 250g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 11°~
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Cotton Berry Strawberry

From Nara Prefecture 奈良県産
Pearl White Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 11°~
Pearl White Strawberry
Pearl White Strawberry

珍珠白和珍珠白的特徵是純白色的水果,是一種延伸到果肉的純白色草莓。只有果實的顏色(表面壓碎)才會是紅色的。白草莓的口味低, 糖度高, 可以享受到恰到好處的甜度。珍珠白是一種白色草莓, 於2015年進行了品種登記。

Pearl White and Pearl White feature pure white fruits and is a pure white strawberry that extends to the pulp. Only the color of the fruit (surface crush) will be red. The taste is low and the sugar content is great for white strawberries, so you can enjoy the right sweetness. Pearl White is a white strawberry that has been a breed registration in 2015.

Pearl White Strawberry
Nara Prefecture
$160.00 ⁄ Box
L ~ 2L Size
2 Packs
Approx 270g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 11°~
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Pearl White Strawberry

From Saga Prefecture 佐賀県産
Yuki Usagi Strawberry
Premium Grade - Aka Shu
Sugar Level (糖度): 10°~12°
Yuki Usagi Strawberry
Yuki Usagi Strawberry

甜度不强, 但与酸度平衡得很好, 甜香从鼻中逸出, 让你感受到糖分之上的甜味。我和“雪兔”同时收到了“天使的果实”, 所以我试着比较一下, 但是气味和质地差别很大, 即使我闭上眼睛也能分辨出两者的区别。当我测量含糖量时, 高的为10.6度, 低的为7.7度。关于“雪兔”和“天使 果实”, 是一颗草莓让我再次感受到“甜味不是唯一的草莓”。

The sweetness is not strong, but it is well-balanced with the acidity, and the sweet scent escapes from the nose, so you can feel the sweetness above the sugar content. I received " Angel's Fruit " at the same time as "Snow Rabbit", so I tried to compare them, but the scent and texture are so different that I can tell the difference between the two even if I close my eyes. When I measured the sugar content, it was 10.6 degrees for the high one and 7.7 degrees for the low one. Regarding "snow rabbit" and " angel fruit", it was a strawberry that made me feel again that "sweetness is not the only strawberry".

Yuki Usagi Strawberry
Saga Prefecture
$160.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 300g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 10°~12°
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Yuki Usagi Strawberry

Awayuki Strawberry
From Gunma Prefecture 群馬県産
淡雪 いちご
Awayuki Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 12°~13°
Awayuki Strawberry
Awayuki Strawberry

淡雪是一種粉紅色的草莓, 味道清淡柔和, 產於群馬縣。所有品種的白草莓都具有溫和的酸味和溫和的香氣但Awayuki是甜味較強的品種, 平均含糖量為1213度。

Awayuki, a light-colored strawberry with a soft, gentle flavor, is grown in Gunma. All white strawberry varieties have a mild sourness and a gentle fragrance, but Awayuki is a very sweet variety with an average sugar content of 12 to 13 degrees.

Awayuki Strawberry
Gunma Prefecture
$78.00 ⁄ Box
Approx 450g
With Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 12°~13°
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Awayuki Strawberry Gunma

Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe)
From Saga Prefecture 佐賀県産
淡雪 いちご
Awayuki Strawberry
Deluxe Grade
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~15°
Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe)
Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe)

它也被稱為“白草莓”。它是一種稀有且名貴的草莓, 只有少數農民種植。這種草莓的特點是酸度低, 香氣和甜味溫和, 還有美麗的淡淡櫻桃色。硬度和光澤度好, 果肉緊緻, 也推薦作為伴手禮。

It is also known as "white strawberry." There are few farmers who cultivate this strawberry, making it highly rare and valuable. This strawberry has a mild acidity, a gentle fragrance and sweetness, and a beautiful, soft cherry color. It has a good firmness and shine, and the flesh is firm, so it is also recommended as a gift.

Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe Grade)
Saga Prefecture
$148.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 240g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~15°
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Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe Grade)

From Nara Prefecture 奈良県産
淡雪 いちご
Awayuki Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 12°~13°
Awayuki Strawberry Saga

「Awayuki」是2013年註冊的新品種,是由「Sagahonoka」突變株培育出來的白色草莓。雖然叫白草莓, 但表皮不是純白色, 而是淡粉紅色。果肉也帶有淡淡的顏色,看起來非常可愛。重約20克, 含糖量1315度, 甜而不酸。果肉緊實, 淡淡的白色草莓香氣在口中蔓延。整個房間都瀰漫著白草莓的濃郁香氣和奢華口感。淡雪是一種極為罕見的白草莓, 作為禮物非常受歡迎。

"Awayuki" is a new variety registered in 2013, and is a white strawberry born from a mutant strain of "Sagahonoka". Although it is called a white strawberry, the skin is not pure white but a slightly pale pink color. The flesh is also slightly colored, giving it a very cute appearance. It weighs about 20g, and has a sugar content of 13 to 15 degrees, making it sweet with a moderate sourness. The flesh is firm, and the gentle aroma of white strawberries spreads in your mouth. You can enjoy the rich aroma and luxurious taste of white strawberries that spread throughout the room. Awayuki is a very rare white strawberry and is a very popular gift item.

Awayuki Strawberry (Deluxe Grade)
Saga Prefecture
$138.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 300g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 12°~13°
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Awayuki Strawberry Saga

From Kumamoto Prefecture 熊本県産
Hinoshizuku Strawberry
with branches (Gift Box)
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
Hinoshizuku Strawberry
Hinoshizuku Strawberry

「Hinoshizuku」是熊本縣的原創草莓品種, 是在菊池地區精心培育的稀有草莓 透過限制每棵幼苗結出的果實數量, 讓它們在樹上慢慢成熟, 從而獲得濃鬱甜美的口感和濃鬱的香氣。每顆漿果都用氣泡膜仔細包裹, 以確保其達到最高的品質和成熟度。利用糖蜜的栽培方法, 其特點是口感濃鬱、汁水多。它的魅力在於其其他草莓所沒有的奇妙香味。

"Hinoshizuku", an original variety of Kumamoto Prefecture, is a rare strawberry that is carefully grown in the Kikuchi district. By limiting the number of fruits that each seedling bears and allowing them to mature slowly on the tree, we have achieved a rich sweetness and rich fragrance. Each fruit is carefully wrapped in cushioning material and delivered at the highest quality with a high level of ripeness. The characteristic is the rich sweetness and juicy juice obtained by a cultivation method that utilizes molasses. The good fragrance that cannot be tasted with other strawberries is attractive.

Hinoshizuku Strawberry with branches
Kumamoto Prefecture
$268.00 ⁄ Box
Approx 1.2kg
With Gift Box (化粧箱)
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
Sold Out
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Hinoshizuku Strawberry

Sakura Momo Strawberry
From Tokushima Prefecture 徳島県産
Sakura Momo

Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~18°
Sakura Momo Strawberry

風味, 甜甜香濃, 緊實鬆脆,極具吸引力。它的酸度很低,非常多汁, 而且有一種充滿口腔的甜味。「含糖量約為1618度。可以享受到草莓的甜「味和香氣, 據說是一種非常令人滿意的草莓。充滿你的嘴。

It is attractive with its sweet, rich aroma, firmness, and crispy texture. It is low in acidity, very juicy, and has a sweetness that fills your mouth. The sugar content of this strawberry is higher than that of regular strawberries, sugar content of about 16 to 18 degrees. It is said to be a highly satisfying strawberry where you can enjoy the sweetness and aroma that fills your mouth.

Sakura Momo Strawberry
Sakura Momo Strawberry
Tokushima Prefecture
$248.00 ⁄ Box
20 Pieces ⁄ Approx 700g
With Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~18°
Sold Out
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Sakura Momo Strawberry
Sakura Momo Strawberry
Tokushima Prefecture
$248.00 ⁄ Box
24 Pieces ⁄ Approx 700g
With Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~18°
Sold Out
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From Kagawa Prefecture 香川県産
Sanuki-hime Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~18°
Sanuki-hime Strawberry
Sanuki-hime Strawberry

多汁的肉质柔软, 咬一口就会溢出汁液。香味也很浓郁, 甜美深邃的香味在口中蔓延开来。赞岐姬的特点是果实大。它是一个略带圆角的圆锥形, 圆形是一个可爱的草莓。鲜红的颜色和光滑的皮肤使它看起来很美味。11月到6月出货, 般的草莓在4月和5月酸度比较强, 而赞岐姬则一年四季糖分稳定, 可以长期享用。等级在13g(L果)以上的优等品作为“赞岐赞岐果”出售。

Juicy flesh with a soft texture and overflowing with juice when you eat a bite. The scent is also rich, and the sweet and deep scent spreads in your mouth. The characteristic of Sanuki Hime is the large fruit. It is a slightly rounded conical shape, and the round shape is a cute strawberry. The bright red color and the glossy skin make it look delicious. It is shipped from November to June, and normal strawberries tend to have a strong acidity in April and May, but Sanukihime achieves a stable sugar content throughout the year and can be enjoyed for a long time. Excellent and excellent products with a rank of 13g (L fruit) or more are sold as "Sanuki Sanuki Fruit".

Sanuki-hime Strawberry
Kagawa Prefecture
$78.00 ⁄ Box
L Size ⁄ 18 Pieces
Approx 450g
With Gift Box (化粧箱)
Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~18°
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Sanuki-hime Strawberry

From Shizuoka Prefecture 静岡県産
きらぴ香 いちご
Kirapika Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 10°
Kirapika Strawberry
Kirapika Strawberry

Kirapika是靜岡縣限定品種,追求甜度強、香氣極佳、酸度低。靜岡縣_農林技術研究所也發現其糖度和香氣較高。 其濃鬱的味道和香氣非常美味,一旦嘗試過,您就無法忘記。果實也很堅硬,甚至可以將完全成熟的果實運送到遠離靜岡的人。

Kirapika is a variety produced exclusively in Shizuoka that pursues a strong sweetness, excellent fragrance, and a taste with little sourness. Research results have shown that it has a high sugar content and a strong fragrance at the Shiz uoka Prefecture Agricultural and Forestry Technology Research Institute. The rich taste and aroma are so delicious that you will never forget it once you have eaten it. The fruit is also firm, so we can deliver fully ripe fruit to those who are far from Shizuoka.

Kirapika Strawberry
Shizuoka Prefecture
$60.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 260g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 10°
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Kirapika Strawberry

From Ibaragi Prefecture 茨城県産
きらぴ香 いちご
Tochi Otome Strawberry
Murata Farm

Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~
Tochi Otome Strawberry
Tochi Otome Strawberry


Although it is a very popular variety, "Murata's Tochiotome" is made by selecting particularly excellent seedlings from the Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station, and planting and cultivating them on the farmland of Murata Farm in Hokota City, which has a warm climate in the southeastern part of Ibaraki Prefecture. The strawberries that Murata grows are highly regarded at Toyosu Market for their excellent taste and sugar content. Currently, they are mainly shipped as sweets to several top-class hotels and restaurants in Tokyo. They are also highly praised and sold at high prices at famous high-end fruit stores in Ginza.

Tochi Otome Strawberry
Ibaragi Prefecture
$60.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 280g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 16°~
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Tochi Otome Strawberry

From Nagasaki Prefecture 長崎県産
ゆめのか いちご
Yumenoka Strawberry

Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Yumenoka Strawberry
Yumenoka Strawberry

"Yumenoka" 味道稔定, 精心栽培. 让每个人梦想成真的美味草莓!

"Yumenoka" has a stable taste and is cultivated with great care. "Delicious strawberries that make everyone's dreams come true"!

Yumenoka Strawberry
Nagasaki Prefecture
$45.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 250g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Yumenoka Strawberry

Tochiaika Strawberry
From Tochigi Prefecture 栃木県産
とちあいか "新品種"
プレミアム いちご
Tochiaika "New Variety"
Premium Strawberry
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
Tochiaika Strawberry
Tochiaika "New Variety"
Premium Strawberry
Tochigi Prefecture
$49.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 320g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
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Tochiaika Strawberry

Amaou Strawberry
From Fukuoka Prefecture 福岡県産
あまおう いちご
Amaou Strawberry
Deluxe Grade

Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Amaou Strawberry
Amaou Strawberry

這次我們推出DX豪華等級! 僅次於EX優秀的第二高等級! 顆粒都閃閃發光, 這是經過精心挑選的形狀、顏色和尺寸的甘王, 在百貨公司和其他商店出售, 因為它是一包的, 所以價格比一包更便宜禮盒裝。多汁、肉質超厚交付時盡量厚實, 一次吃完。Amaou DX 非常飽腹, 非常適合即將到來的派對季節或作為送給親人的禮物!

This time we will deliver the DX deluxe grade! The second highest grade after EX Excellent! The grains are all shiny and sparkly This is Amaou that has been selected in shape, color, and size and is sold at department stores and other stores Because it comes in a pack, it is offered at a more affordable price than the one in a gift box.

Amaou Strawberry
Amaou Strawberry
Fukuoka Prefecture
$60.00 ⁄ Box
2 Packs
Approx 270g Per Pack
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Amaou Strawberry

Arida Shindo Mikan
From Wakayama Prefecture 和歌山県産
有田-新堂 みかん
Arida - Shindo Mikan
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Arida Shindo Mikan

Arida Shindo Mikan

Arida Shindo Mikan


High sugar content. Sweet Arita mandarin orange. Special selection Wakayama Eco Farmer. Unshu mandarin orange that can be used with the skin. No. 1 repeat rate for gift. Reduced pesticides.

Wakayama Prefecture
$49.90 ⁄ Box
2L Size ⁄ 9 Pieces
Special Design Premium Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Arida Shindo Mikan

Daimasaki Dekopon
From Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿児島県産
"大将季" デコポン
"Daimasaki" Dekopon
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Daimasaki Dekopon
大人気!  Best Seller!

Daimasaki Dekopon

該品種是由鹿兒島育種家大野浩一發現的,作為「不知火」的分支突變體,並於18年作為品種註冊。具有更強烈的深紅色,最初是原計割命名為 “Beni Dekopon”,但最終以大野浩一家族的名字命名。味道濃鬱,酸度適中,如果覺得酸味有點重,存放在通風良好的地方,酸味就會消除,而且汁水十足,非常滿足。隨著季節的推移而穩定增加。外皮可能會有輕微刮痕,但這完全不影響味道。對於酸味較重的產品,請存放於陰涼通風處23天後再食用。

This variety was discovered by Kagoshima breeder Koichi Ohno as a branch mutation of "Shiranui" and was registered as a variety in 18. It is characterized by a stronger crimson color than any other Shiranui fruit and was originally planned to be named "Beni Dekopon," but it was ultimately named after Koichi Ohno's family. It has an easy-to-peel skin and no seeds, inheriting the characteristics of the Shiranui. It has a rich taste with a moderate acidity. If you think the acidity is a little strong, storing it in a well-ventilated place will remove the acidity and give it a mellow flavor. It's also full of juice and very satisfying to eat. This is a highly sought-after citrus fruit whose recognition and popularity are steadily increasing with each season. This is a highly sought-after citrus fruit whose recognition and popularity are steadily increasing with each season. There may be slight scratches on the outer skin, but this will not affect the taste at all. For products with a strong sour taste, please store them in a cool, well-ventilated place for 2 to 3 days before consuming.

Daimasaki Dekopon
Kagoshima Prefecture
$118.00 ⁄ Box
7L Size ⁄ 5 Pieces
Approx 850g Per Piece
Special Design Premium Gift Box
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Daimasaki Dekopon
Kagoshima Prefecture
$88.00 ⁄ Box
7L Size ⁄ 4 Pieces
Approx 850g Per Piece
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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From Akita Prefecture 秋田県産
サン フジ りんご
Super King
Sun Fuji Apple
(High Sugar Level)
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
Super King Sun Fuji Apple
Super King Sun Fuji Apple


It has a crisp, delicious and refreshing taste. Fuji "Super King" apples, the highest quality apples in Akita, from Yokote City, Akita Prefecture, famous as the hometown of the fisherman Sanpei.

Akita Prefecture
$60.00 ⁄ Box
6 Pieces
Approx 300g Per Piece
Sugar Level (糖度): 15°~
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Super King Sun Fuji Apple

Sun Fuji Apple
From Nagano Prefecture 長野県産
Sun Fuji Apple
(Farm Direct)
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Sun Fuji Apple
Sun Fuji Apple

來自長野縣的太陽富士。酥脆的口感和在口中蔓延的多汁感覺非常美妙。太陽富士是「國光」和「美味」的結合體, 容易吸 收蜂蜜, 汁液豐富。這是一個受歡迎的品種, 具有甜、酸和質地的三重特徵。 「Sun」的意思是「太 陽」, 富士蘋果是在沒有袋子的情況下種植的, 因此它們可以獲得充足的陽光, 糖分含量也更高。酥脆的口感和在口中蔓延的多汁感覺非常美妙。

Sun Fuji apples from Nagano Prefecture. They have a crisp texture and a juicy taste that spreads in your mouth. Sun Fuji apples are a cross between "Kunimitsu" and "Delicious", and are easy to get nectar into and full of juice. They are a popular variety that has the perfect combination of sweetness, sourness, and texture. "Sun" means "sun", and these Fuji apples are "bagged apples" that are grown without bags, so they get plenty of sunlight, which increases their sugar content. They have a crisp texture and a juicy taste that spreads in your mouth.

Sun Fuji Apple
Nagano Prefecture
$33.00 ⁄ Box
3L Size ⁄ 3 Pieces
Approx 350g+ Per Piece
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Sun Fuji Apple
Nagano Prefecture
$45.00 ⁄ Box
2L Size ⁄ 6 Pieces
Approx 310g+ Per Piece
Sugar Level (糖度): 12°~
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Sun Meigetsu Apple
From Nagano Prefecture 長野県産
Sun Meigetsu Apple
(Farm Direct)
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
Sun Meigetsu Apple
Sun Meigetsu Apple


A late-maturing yellow variety. The sugar content is high at around 15%, and the pulp contains honey and is aromatic.

Nagano Prefecture
$45.00 ⁄ Box
2L Size ⁄ 6 Pieces
Approx 310g Per Piece
Sugar Level (糖度): 13°~
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Sun Meigetsu Apple


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