Kirapika Strawberry
Shizuoka Prefecture
2 packs/box
Approx 260g per pack
Sugar Level: 10°
In stock
Kirapika是靜岡縣限定品種,追求甜度強、香氣極佳、酸度低。靜岡縣_農林技術研究所也發現其糖度和香氣較高。 其濃鬱的味道和香氣非常美味,一旦嘗試過,您就無法忘記。果實也很堅硬,甚至可以將完全成熟的果實運送到遠離靜岡的人。
Kirapika is a variety produced exclusively in Shizuoka that pursues a strong sweetness, excellent fragrance, and a taste with little sourness. Research results have shown that it has a high sugar content and a strong fragrance at the Shiz uoka Prefecture Agricultural and Forestry Technology Research Institute. The rich taste and aroma are so delicious that you will never forget it once you have eaten it. The fruit is also firm, so we can deliver fully ripe fruit to those who are far from Shizuoka.