
2 packs / approx 300g per pack

Sugar Level: 10°~12°

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Yuki Usagi
Yuki Usagi

甜度不强,但与酸度平衡得很好,甜香从鼻中逸出,让你感受到糖分之上的甜味。我和“雪兔”同时收到了“天使的果实”,所以我试着比较一下,但是气味和质地差别很大,即使我闭上眼睛也能 分辨出两者的区别。当我测量含糖量时,高的为10.6度, 低的为7.7度。关于“雪兔”和“天使 果实”,是一颗草莓让我再次感受到 “甜味不是唯一的草莓”。

The sweetness is not strong, but it is well-balanced with the acidity, and the sweet scent escapes from the nose, so you can feel the sweetness above the sugar content. I received ” Angel’s Fruit ” at the same time as “Snow Rabbit”, so I tried to compare them, but the scent and texture are so different that I can tell the difference between the two even if I close my eyes. When I measured the sugar content, it was 10.6 degrees for the high one and 7.7 degrees for the low one. Regarding “snow rabbit” and ” angel fruit”, it was a strawberry that made me feel again that “sweetness is not the only strawberry”.

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